Double Feature
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Chris Seaver - Double Feature
Chris Seaver
Directing (65)
Writing (36)
Acting (33)
Editing (18)
Cinematography (9)
Release Date
Newest First
Oldest First
12 Inches of Dangling Fury
Anal Paprika
Anal Paprika 2: Vampire Killers
Anal Paprika 3: Menage-A-Death
Beyond McNasty: Filthy McNasty 4
The Bleu Cheese Brothers
Blood Trim: The Bleeding
Bloody Giblets: The Legend of Lady Vandalay
Bloody Nipples
Carnage for the Destroyer
Close Encounters of the Inbred Redneck Kind
The Closet Man
Dark Magic
Death O Lantern: The Remake
Death O' Lantern
Death O' Lantern 2
Death O' Lantern: Corn on the Mac-Cob
Deathbone, Third Blood Part VII: The Blood of Deathbone
Destruction Kings
The Dingleberrys
An Evening with my Great Aunt Bedelia
The Evil Dead Inbred Rednecks
Evil Night
Film Crew
Filthy McNastier: Maximum Dousche
Filthy McNastiest: Apocalypse F.!
Filthy McNasty
Four Guys Named Mr.
Friday the 13th: Halloween Night
From Almost Night Till Almost Day
Geek War
Ghoulish Chronicles From Bonejack High
Heather and Puggly Cock Block the Apocalypse
Heather and Puggly Crucify the Devil
Heather and Puggly Drop a Deuce
Heather and Puggly's Christmas Special
Hi-8 (Horror Independent 8)
The House On Bonejack Hill
I Spit Chew on Your Grave
The Karaoke Kid
The Meter Man
Meter Man 2
Moist Fury
Mulva 2: Kill Teen Ape!
Mulva: Zombie Ass Kicker!
Mutantz, Nazis and Zombies
Paranormal Investigation Agency
Phantom of the Grindhouse
Quest for the Egg Salad
Return to Blood Fart Lake
Scrotal Vengeance
Sexsquatch 2: Teen Ape vs. Sexsquatch
Sexsquatch: The Legend of Blood Stool Creek
Ski Wolf
A Stoinkmare Before Christmas
A Stoinkmare on Halloween Street
Stoinky Beach
Teenape Goes to Camp
Teenape Vs. The Monster Nazi Apocalypse
Terror at Blood Fart Lake
Twas the Funk Before Christmas
The Weirdsies
Wet Heat
12 Inches of Dangling Fury
Anal Paprika
Anal Paprika 2: Vampire Killers
Anal Paprika 3: Menage-A-Death
The Bleu Cheese Brothers
Blood Trim: The Bleeding
Bloody Giblets: The Legend of Lady Vandalay
Bloody Nipples
Carnage for the Destroyer
Close Encounters of the Inbred Redneck Kind
Dark Magic
Death O Lantern: The Remake
Death O' Lantern: Corn on the Mac-Cob
The Evil Dead Inbred Rednecks
Filthy McNasty
Four Guys Named Mr.
Friday the 13th: Halloween Night
From Almost Night Till Almost Day
Ghoulish Chronicles From Bonejack High
Heather and Puggly Cock Block the Apocalypse
Heather and Puggly Crucify the Devil
Heather and Puggly's Christmas Special
Hi-8 (Horror Independent 8)
The House On Bonejack Hill
The Karaoke Kid
Moist Fury
Mulva: Zombie Ass Kicker!
Paranormal Investigation Agency
Phantom of the Grindhouse
Quest for the Egg Salad
Return to Blood Fart Lake
Sexsquatch: The Legend of Blood Stool Creek
Ski Wolf
A Stoinkmare Before Christmas
Twas the Funk Before Christmas
12 Inches of Dangling Fury
Anal Paprika
Anal Paprika 2: Vampire Killers
Anal Paprika 3: Menage-A-Death
The Bleu Cheese Brothers
Bloody Nipples
Coven of the Black Cube
Dark Magic
Dark Magic
Death O' Lantern: Corn on the Mac-Cob
Destruction Kings
The Evil Dead Inbred Rednecks
Filthy McNastier: Maximum Dousche
Filthy McNasty
Four Guys Named Mr.
Friday the 13th: Halloween Night
From Almost Night Till Almost Day
Ghoulish Chronicles From Bonejack High
Heather and Puggly Cock Block the Apocalypse
Heather and Puggly Crucify the Devil
Heather and Puggly Drop a Deuce
Heather and Puggly's Christmas Special
The House On Bonejack Hill
Milfs vs. Zombies
Milfs vs. Zombies
Mulva: Zombie Ass Kicker!
Quest for the Egg Salad
Return to Blood Fart Lake
S.O.V. The True Independents
Scrotal Vengeance
Teenape Vs. The Monster Nazi Apocalypse
Zero Budget Heroes: The Legend of Chris Seaver & Low Budget Pictures
12 Inches of Dangling Fury
Anal Paprika
Anal Paprika 2: Vampire Killers
The Bleu Cheese Brothers
Dark Magic
Death O Lantern: The Remake
Four Guys Named Mr.
Friday the 13th: Halloween Night
From Almost Night Till Almost Day
Ghoulish Chronicles From Bonejack High
Heather and Puggly Crucify the Devil
Heather and Puggly Drop a Deuce
The House On Bonejack Hill
The Karaoke Kid
Mulva: Zombie Ass Kicker!
Return to Blood Fart Lake
Twas the Funk Before Christmas
The Bleu Cheese Brothers
Friday the 13th: Halloween Night
Heather and Puggly Crucify the Devil
Heather and Puggly Drop a Deuce
The House On Bonejack Hill
The Karaoke Kid
Mulva: Zombie Ass Kicker!
Twas the Funk Before Christmas