Double Feature
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Pavol Barabáš - Double Feature
Pavol Barabáš
Directing (48)
Writing (23)
Crew (7)
Editing (6)
Acting (3)
Release Date
Newest First
Oldest First
Pygmies: The Children of the Jungle
Grand Canyon
Everest - The Hard Way
High Tatras – Wilderness Frozen in Time
The Iron Hole
Mysterious Mamberamo
Carstensz – Siedma hora
Freedom Under Load
Krásy Slovenska
From Slovakia with Love
Everest – Juzek Psotka
Bhután – Hľadanie šťastia
Salto je kráľ
Omo: A Journey to the Primaeval Age
Vábenie výšok
Dhaulágirí je môj Everest
The Secret World's Seekers
80 Meters Below the Summit
Žiť pre vášeň
Amazonia Vertical
Mountain Guide
Tepuy - Journey to the depths of the Earth
Svetozár Stračina
Spirit of Jaguar
Expedícia Sibír
Searching for the Shade
Silence Above the Clouds
Arctic Extreme
Through the Himalayas on bicycles
Zajatci podzemia
Transformations of the Tatras
The Polarman
Mongolsko – V tieni Džingischána
Volanie prírody
The secret of the underground
Neznáma Antarktída
Pomoc prichádza z neba
Skialpinizmus v Tatrách
Cez divoký Baltistan
Za hranicami tmy
Pod Kančendžongou je ich domov
Buddhist Ladakh
Buddhism on the roof of the world
Pygmies: The Children of the Jungle
High Tatras – Wilderness Frozen in Time
Carstensz – Siedma hora
Freedom Under Load
From Slovakia with Love
Salto je kráľ
The Secret World's Seekers
Žiť pre vášeň
Amazonia Vertical
Mountain Guide
Tepuy - Journey to the depths of the Earth
Spirit of Jaguar
Expedícia Sibír
Searching for the Shade
Silence Above the Clouds
Zajatci podzemia
Cez divoký Baltistan
Za hranicami tmy
Pod Kančendžongou je ich domov
Buddhist Ladakh
Buddhism on the roof of the world
Grand Canyon
Mysterious Mamberamo
Freedom Under Load
Bhután – Hľadanie šťastia
Omo: A Journey to the Primaeval Age
Žiť pre vášeň
Amazonia Vertical
Grand Canyon
Mysterious Mamberamo
Searching for the Shade
Zajatci podzemia
Buddhist Ladakh
Buddhism on the roof of the world
Carstensz – Siedma hora
Amazonia Vertical
Tepuy - Journey to the depths of the Earth