Double Feature
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George Lloyd - Double Feature
George Lloyd
George H. Lloyd was a steady, faithful character actor, mostly appearing in Westerns.
Acting (147)
Release Date
Newest First
Oldest First
Air Devils
Another Thin Man
Bad Boy
Bad Man of Deadwood
Bandit King of Texas
Behind Prison Gates
Below the Deadline
The Big Noise
Blondie's Big Deal
Boston Blackie Booked on Suspicion
Bride by Mistake
Broadway Limited
Bulldog Edition
Bullets or Ballots
Cafe Hostess
Captain Caution
The Case of the Stuttering Bishop
Champagne Waltz
Circus Shadows
City for Conquest
Dad and Dave Come to Town
The Dancing Masters
Death Valley Gunfighter
The Denver Kid
Devil's Island
Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome
Drum Beat
East of the River
The Egg and I
The Falcon Strikes Back
The Fallen Sparrow
Five Little Peppers And How They Grew
Fog Island
French Leave
Frisco Sal
Frontier Investigator
A Fugitive from Justice
The Fuller Brush Girl
Gallant Sons
Gaucho Serenade
Gentleman Jim
Girls Can Play
The Glass Key
Good Girls Go to Paris
Government Agents vs Phantom Legion
Grand Jury
The Green Hornet
A Guy Could Change
Hello, Frisco, Hello
Home in Oklahoma
Homicide Bureau
Hot Cargo
Hot Ice
I Accuse My Parents
I Love You Again
I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now
Idol of the Crowds
In Old California
In Old Cheyenne
The Invisible Man Returns
Iron Mountain Trail
It Happened on Fifth Avenue
It Happened on Fifth Avenue
Johnny O'Clock
Kid Glove Killer
La Conga Nights
Lady from Louisiana
Lady on a Train
Larceny with Music
The Leather Pushers
Man in the Saddle
Men Without Names
Men in Exile
Miss Annie Rooney
The Missing Juror
Missing Witnesses
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Mr. Wong, Detective
Murder in Times Square
Mutiny on the Blackhawk
My Favorite Brunette
Nancy Drew... Reporter
New Moon
Night Waitress
A Night to Remember
Nightmare Alley
Obliging Young Lady
The Oklahoma Kid
The Old Homestead
On Borrowed Time
Outcasts of the Trail
The Ox-Bow Incident
Pacific Blackout
Pardon My Clutch
The Pecos Pistol
Prison Train
Racket Busters
Red River
The Return of Wild Bill
Rings on Her Fingers
Road Gang
Road to Morocco
Road to Utopia
The Roaring Twenties
The Royal Mounted Rides Again
San Antone Ambush
Scarlet Street
Shadow of the Thin Man
She Couldn't Take It
She Has What It Takes
She Knew All the Answers
A Slight Case of Murder
Smart Blonde
Smashing the Rackets
Steel Against the Sky
Storm Warning
Strange Alibi
Sutter's Gold
Sweepstakes Winner
Swing the Western Way
Thanks for Listening
They Drive by Night
The Thirteenth Hour
Torchy Blane in Panama
Torchy Blane.. Playing with Dynamite
Tower of London
Two Yanks in Trinidad
Under California Stars
Valley of the Sun
Vigilantes of Boomtown
Wanted: Jane Turner
When Strangers Marry
Where Did You Get That Girl?
The Whistler
White Pongo
The Wildcat of Tucson
Young Widow
Ziegfeld Girl