Double Feature
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Senkichirō Takeda - Double Feature
Senkichirō Takeda
Cinematography (47)
Release Date
Newest First
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The Angry Sword
Asataro the Crow
Claws of Iron
Cut the Shadow
The Dancer and Two Warriors
The Daring Nun
Fighting Birds
Flowery Hood
Flowery Hood 2
The Ghost Cat of Ouma Crossing
Ghost-Cat of Yonaki Swamp
Her Hidden Past
Homeless Dog
Ishimatsu - The One-Eyed Swordsman
Island of Horrors
Ken ni kakeru
Koina no Ginpei
Korekara no sekkusu: Mittsu no Sei
Live My Share, Mother
The Lord and the Gambler
The Magistrate
The Magnificent Five
Matashirō Fighting Journey
Nage Utasamon sanban tegara: Fukumen dokurotai
The Night before Pearl Harbor
Nuregami kenpo
The Phantom Samurai
The Princess Says No
Seven Miles to Nakayama
Shinobi no Mono 2: Vengeance
Shinobi no Mono 4: Siege
The Sisters and I
Sleepy Eyes of Death 12: Castle Menagerie
Sleepy Eyes of Death 13: The Full Moon Swordsman
Sleepy Eyes of Death 14: Fylfot Swordplay
Tabi wa kimagure kaze makase
Tanuki Battle of Awaodori Festival
Terrible Ghost Cat of Okazaki
This Way, That Way
A Thousand Flying Cranes
Young Boss
Young Boss: Leader's Flesh
Zatoichi's Cane Sword
Zatoichi's Pilgrimage
The tragedy of a young warrior
新 鞍馬天狗 五條坂の決闘