Michel Lamothe
After graduating with a degree in Mechanical Engineering at Université Laval in Québec City, Michel Lamothe studied Communication Arts at Loyola College (Montreal). Since, he pursues a dual career in photography and film. Michel Lamothe has exhibited work in Canada and Europe and his films have been shown in several international festivals. In 2000 was published an artist monograph devoted to his photographic work entitled Même les cigales dormai...ent. About Michel Lamothe’s work, Philippe Dubois, author of l'Acte photographique (The Photographic Act) writes, « Michel Lamothe has the freedom of a filmmaker in photography as he has the freedom of a photographer in film. He inhabits a vital space and he breathes life into the images that exist between these two worlds. » Filmography John Max, A Portrait (2010 / 94 min) Plastic Dream (2007 / 3 min) Étude de nuages (2007 / 20 min) Qui hésite se perd (1990 / 54 min) 6237 Christophe-Colomb (1990 / 6 min) Face à la caméra (1984 / 10 min) Robert Frank à Dazibao (1983 / 60 min) Une bien belle ville (1975 / 20 min) (collectif) 286 Côte des anges sud (1974 / 17 min) (co-director Jeannine Gagné) Mascara et rouge à lèvres (1973 / 13 min) (co-director Jeannine Gagné) Sans faire d'histoire (1972 / 10 min) (co-director Jeannine Gagné)