Double Feature
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Edmund Cobb - Double Feature
Edmund Cobb
Acting (318)
Release Date
Newest First
Oldest First
3 Kids and a Queen
Across the Border
Across the Sierras
The Adventures of Frank Merriwell
The Adventures of Rex and Rinty
The Affairs of Jimmy Valentine
Alias Boston Blackie
The Amazing Colossal Man
Apache Ambush
Arizona Bad Man
The Arizona Cowboy
The Arizona Terror
The Atomic Submarine
Back in the Saddle
Bad Men of the Border
Bashful Whirlwind
Bat Men of Africa
Beyond the Rio Grande
Black Tuesday
Blazing Bullets
Blazing Six Shooters
Blazing the Western Trail
Blue Montana Skies
The Bold Frontiersman
The Bonnie Parker Story
Border Cafe
The Bounty Killer
Branded Men
Breed of the West
Broken Lance
Buffalo Bill Rides Again
Bulldog Courage
The Burning Trail
Calamity Jane
California Joe
California Mail
California in '49
The Call of the Heart
Call of the Rockies
Canadian Mounties vs. Atomic Invaders
Canadian Pacific
Cappy Ricks Returns
Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines
Carson City Raiders
Cattle Raiders
Challenge of the Range
The Cherokee Flash
The Cherokee Strip
The Cheyenne Tornado
Citizen Kane
Clancy of the Mounted
The Clutch of Circumstance
Colorado Trail
Comanche Territory
Come On, Tarzan
Condemned Women
Confidence Girl
The Courage of Collins
The Crime of Helen Stanley
Cupid's Rustler
The Cyclone Kid
Dames Ahoy
Danger Trails
Daredevils of the Red Circle
The Daring Caballero
Dark Command
Darkest Africa
Days of Buffalo Bill
Deadwood Dick
Deadwood Pass
The Deciding Kiss
Deep in the Heart of Texas
Desperadoes of the West
The Desperate Hours
Detective Story
The Devil's Trail
Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc.
Dick Tracy's G-Men
Dog Scents
Dog of Dogs
Double Indemnity
Down Rio Grande Way
The Egyptian
The El Paso Kid
Empty Holsters
Escape in the Fog
Faces in the Fog
Fangs of Destiny
The Far Frontier
Feudin', Fussin' and A-Fightin'
The Fightin' Redhead
The Fighting Devil Dogs
Finders Keepers
Flame of Barbary Coast
Flashing Guns
Four Square Steve
The Four-Footed Ranger
The Frame-Up
Friendly Persuasion
Frisco Tornado
Frontier Feud
The Fugitive Sheriff
G-Men Never Forget
The Galloping Cowboy
Galloping Thunder
The Game That Kills
General Custer at the Little Big Horn
The Ghost Rider
The Girl from San Lorenzo
The Glass Key
Go West, Young Lady
Gold Is Where You Find It
The Golden Eye
Gordon of Ghost City
Government Agents vs Phantom Legion
The Great Alaskan Mystery
The Green Archer
Gun Law Justice
The Gunfighter
Hands Across the Rockies
Heart of Virginia
Heart of the Rio Grande
Heroes of the West
Hidden Danger
Hidden Guns
Hills of Oklahoma
His Girl Friday
Hiss and Yell
The Hound of Silver Creek
House of Frankenstein
How High Is Up?
Human Targets
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
I Was a Prisoner on Devil's Island
I'll Tell the World
I'm from the City
The Indians Are Coming
The James Brothers of Missouri
Jesse James Rides Again
Johnny Reno
Juvenile Court
Kiss of Araby
Land Beyond the Law
Land of the Lawless
Last Frontier Uprising
The Last Horseman
The Last Hurrah
Law Men
Law of the Canyon
Law of the Plains
Law of the Rio Grande
Law of the Valley
The Law of the Wild
Lay That Rifle Down
Let Us Live
Lightning Triggers
A Little Volunteer
Loaded Dice
The Lone Prairie
The Lone Star Vigilantes
The Lone Wolf Spy Hunt
The Lone Wolf Strikes
The Lone Wolf Takes a Chance
Looking for Trouble
The Lost Special
The Man Tamer
Man from Montana
The Man from Oklahoma
Man from Oklahoma
The Man from Sundown
Man with the Steel Whip
Martin of the Mounted
The Medico of Painted Springs
Melody Ranch
Men Without Souls
The Mighty Treve
The Miracle Baby
The Miracle Rider
The Missing Juror
Mission to Moscow
Montana Desperado
Moral Courage
Motorcycle Gang
Movie Crazy
Movies Are Adventure
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Murder in Greenwich Village
Murder in Times Square
Mystery Broadcast
Naughty Marietta
The Navajo Trail
North from the Lone Star
North of the Yukon
The Officer and the Lady
Oklahoma Outlaws
The Oklahoma Woman
The Old Chisholm Trail
The Old Texas Trail
One Man's Law
Oregon Trail Scouts
Outlaws of Santa Fe
Outlaws of Stampede Pass
Outlaws of the Prairie
Outpost of the Mounties
The Phantom
The Phantom Creeps
The Phantom Speaks
Pirate Treasure
Pony Post
Power of the Press
Prairie Schooners
Prairie Stranger
A Pueblo Legend
The Raid
Raiders of Ghost City
Raiders of the Border
The Rawhide Terror
The Red Rider
Red River Renegades
Renegade Girl
Renegades of the Rio Grande
The Return of Daniel Boone
The Return of Wildfire
Ride 'Em Cowboy
Ride Him, Cowboy
Riders of Black River
Riders of Death Valley
Riders of the Range
Riding Through Nevada
Riding Wild
Rio Grande Raiders
River Lady
River of No Return
Roaring Rangers
Robin Hood Of Texas
Rough Ridin' Justice
Runaway Daughters
Rustler's Paradise
Rustler's Round-up
Rustlers of Red Dog
Sabotage Squad
The Saddle Tramp
Saddles and Sagebrush
Sagebrush Law
San Antone Ambush
Santa Fe Uprising
The Scarlet Horseman
The Scrappin' Kid
Sergeant Murphy
Sheriff of Wichita
Show Boat
The Show Cowpuncher
Shut My Big Mouth
Silver City Raiders
Six Gun Gospel
Smoke Tree Range
Smoking Guns
Social Briars
The Son of Davy Crockett
Son of Zorro
Song of Arizona
Song of the Range
Springtime in the Rockies
Squadron of Doom
Stagecoach to Denver
State Police
The Stranger From Pecos
The Stranger from Texas
The Street with No Name
Submarine Seahawk
Sun Valley Cyclone
The Sunday Round-Up
Sundown Valley
Sunset in El Dorado
Sweethearts of the U.S.A.
Take One False Step
Tales of Terror
Tangled Fortunes
The Terror
Tex Granger: Midnight Rider of the Plains
The Texas Kid
Timber Country Trouble
Tonto Basin Outlaws
Toughest Man in Arizona
Tracy Rides
Trail of the Vigilantes
Twelve Crowded Hours
The Two Fister
Two Yanks in Trinidad
Two-Fisted Sheriff
The Vanishing Shadow
The Vanishing Westerner
The Violent Men
West of Carson City
West of the Rio Grande
West of the Santa Fe
Western Caravans
The Westerner
What Men Want
Wild Horse
Wild Horse Rodeo
The Wildcat of Tucson
Winchester '73
Winners of the West
The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gap
Wolf's Trail
The Wyoming Bandit
Wyoming Wildcat
X Marks the Spot
Yankee Fakir
You Can't Buy Luck
Young Whirlwind
Zorro's Fighting Legion