Evan Adams - Double Feature

Evan Adams

Born and raised in Burlington, Ontario, Evan has been writing diverse high-concept screenplays since the age of 14. After graduating from Sheridan College with a Bachelor's Degree in Film and Television Production in 2025, he plans to pursue a Master's in screenwriting and continue to write and produce short and feature films, and television series alike. In 2023, he wrote the semi-autobiographical short film "Forecast", which he produced alongs...ide Bella Gouveia. This was followed up by an extensive portfolio of story editing work for a wide variety of short films produced at Sheridan College. ​He is currently working on "Shuttle Up!", an animated sci-fi series, with his friend and frequent collaborator Alexa Thobo-Carlsen, as well as the psychedelic horror/thriller "Snare", his debut feature film.