Double Feature
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Federico Zanni - Double Feature
Federico Zanni
Cinematography (54)
Release Date
Newest First
Oldest First
$10,000 for a Massacre
008 Operazione ritmo
7 Hours of Violence
Almost Human
Before It's Too Early
The Biggest Battle
Brillantina Rock
Brothers Till We Die
College Girl on Vacation
Concorde Affair
The Crazy Bunch
The Cynic, the Rat & the Fist
Desirable Teacher
Desirable Teacher 2
The Doctor Prefers Sailors
Don't Play with Tigers
Due strani papà
Eaten Alive!
The Family Vice
The Fan, the Referee and the Footballer
Gay Salomé
Gian Burrasca
Giggi il bullo
The Highschool Girl Repeating Class
The Highschool Girl, the Devil, and the Holywater
The Honorable with His Lover under the Bed
How to Seduce Your Teacher
Il sommergibile più pazzo del mondo
L'allenatore nel pallone
L'esercito più pazzo del mondo
La carica delle patate
Lady Football
The Landlord
Le seminariste
A Man Called Blade
Mark Shoots First
Merciless Man
Mezzo destro mezzo sinistro - 2 calciatori senza pallone
Non scommettere mai con il cielo
Notes for a Film in India
The Nurse in the Military Madhouse
Pierino medico della SAUB
Poker in Bed
The Repeating Student Winked at Dean
Rome, Armed to the Teeth
School Teacher in College
Sfrattato cerca casa equo canone
Syndicate Sadists
Vengeance Is Mine
Where Can You Go Without the Little Vice?
Zero in condotta