Double Feature
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Gábor Pogány - Double Feature
Gábor Pogány
Cinematography (96)
Release Date
Newest First
Oldest First
10:30 P.M. Summer
Ambush in Tangier
The Anatomy of Love
Assunta Spina
Bewitched Love
Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell
Cannon Serenade
Castle of the Banned Lovers
The Castro's Abbess
The Cavern
Colt 38 Special Squad
Dark Purpose
Death at Owell Rock
Divieto di sosta
Doctor Faustus
Document Z-3
Double Face
Duel Without Honor
European Nights
Everything is Music
Farewell, My Beautiful Naples
Fermi tutti... arrivo io!
The Fighting Men
The Flame that Never Dies
For Love One Dies
The Forbidden Christ
The Funny Face of the Godfather
The Golden Arrow
Ha da venì... don Calogero!
Hercules, Prisoner of Evil
Hornets' Nest
The House of Intrigue
Il bacio di una morta
Imperial Venus
Inverno di malato
The Italians They Are Crazy
Joan of Arc at the Stake
Kleinhoff Hotel
L'abito nero da sposa
L'uomo dal guanto grigio
La banca di Monate
La contessa Castiglione
La contessa azzurra
La strada finisce sul fiume
La vida nueva de Pedrito de Andía
Lasciateci in pace
The Last Judgment
Late Night Trains
Le cinque rose di Jennifer
Lezioni di violoncello con toccata e fuga
Lips of Lurid Blue
Love and Chatter
Lui, lei e il nonno
Magic Powder
The Magistrate
A Man Could Get Killed
The Man with Icy Eyes
Mata Hari's Daughter
Moglie e buoi...
The Nativity
Non perdiamo la testa
Non scherzare con le donne
A Nun at the Crossroads
Pink Floyd At Pompeii - MCMLXXII
Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii
Pleasant Nights
Prepotenti più di prima
The Queen of Babylon
Ritual of Love
Romeo e Giulietta
Snow Job
Stateline Motel
Sweet Deceptions
Three Bites of the Apple
Times Gone By
Top Secret
Totò, Vittorio and the Doctor
The Two Missionaries
Two Women
Una di quelle
Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russia
The Uninhibited
Valdez Is Coming
Voice of Silence
War of the Zombies
We, the Women
Women Without Names