Double Feature
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Alfio Contini - Double Feature
Alfio Contini
Cinematography (84)
Writing (1)
Release Date
Release Date
Newest First
Oldest First
Out of Hand
Ripley's Game
Un nero per casa
Donne in bianco
Uomini senza donne
Beyond the Clouds
Reflections in a Dark Sky
La bocca
Speaking of the Devil
Treno di panna
What if Gargiulo Finds Out?
They Call Me Renegade
The Grumpy
Joan Lui
The Naked Sun
Chi mi aiuta?
Bingo Bongo
The Girl from Trieste
Holy Cow
Più bello di così si muore
Nobody's Perfect
San-Antonio ne pense qu'à ça
The Taming of the Scoundrel
My Wife is a Witch
La baraonda
The Warning
Exit... But No Panic
Velvet Hands
Geppo il folle
Ridendo e scherzando
Tanto va la gatta al lardo...
Damned in Venice
Evil Thoughts
Mimì Bluette... Flower of My Garden
Peccatori di provincia
Il gatto mammone
Eye of the Cat
Yuppi Du
Flavia the Heretic
The Night Porter
How Funny Can Sex Be?
Buona parte di Paolina
It Was I
One Russian Summer
White Sister
Lady Liberty
Oasis of Fear
The Trojan Women
The Priest's Wife
Zabriskie Point
Diary of a Telephone Operator
The Libertine
A Fine Pair
Il diario segreto di una minorenne
God Forgives... I Don't!
Per amore... per magia...
7 Golden Monks
Snow Job
Two Public Enemies
Easy Love
Il gaucho
The Twelve-Handed Men of Mars
The Thursday
I cuori infranti
The Monsters
The Terrorist
The Swindlers
March on Rome
Il Sorpasso
Sodom and Gomorrah
Those Two in the Legion
My Son, the Hero
Getting Away with It the Italian Way
Destination Fury
Call 22-22 Lieutenant Sheridan
The Huns
Tanto va la gatta al lardo...