Aida Alonso Arechar
Aída Alonso Aréchar, was born in 1994 in Aguascalientes, Mexico. From 2013 to 2018 studying Cinematographic and Audiovisual Arts of the University Autonomous of Aguascalientes. In the process she participates in short films as director and screenwriter, including “Benito”, a thesis short film, which was selected in the Monterrey International Film Festival and the International Film Festival of Hidalgo, among others. In 2017, he exchanges with th...e Image Department and Sound from the University of Guadalajara, where he collaborated on projects such as producer and assistant director. In 2018 it becomes a member of the Cluster Audiovisual Aguascalientes (CAAMX) and is selected in the call "Hacia un cine colaborativo” with the short film“ The office man”, which he writes and directs. In 2019 she is selected to participate in the International Festival of Audiovisual Production (FIRA) as director and screenwriter of the feature film “Sendero”, which is currently in the post-production process.