Double Feature
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Franz Planer - Double Feature
Franz Planer
Cinematography (100)
Release Date
Newest First
Oldest First
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T.
711 Ocean Drive
99 River Street
Adventure in Sahara
The Adventures of Martin Eden
Appointment in Berlin
Bad for Each Other
The Beloved Vagabond
The Big Country
The Blue Veil
Breakfast at Tiffany's
A Bullet Is Waiting
The Caine Mutiny
Caprice de princesse
Casta diva
The Charm of La Bohème
The Chase
The Children's Hour
Criss Cross
Cyrano de Bergerac
Das schwarze Gesicht
A Daughter Of Destiny
Death of a Salesman
Decision Before Dawn
Der Favorit der Königin
Der Narr seiner Liebe
Der Ochsenkrieg
The Dictator
Die Flucht vor der Liebe
Die Julika
The Divine Spark
The Duke of Reichstadt
Eine Stadt steht kopf
The Exile
The Face Behind the Mask
The Finances of the Grand Duke
Flight Lieutenant
Gewitter im Mai
Glamour for Sale
Glanz und Elend der Kurtisanen
Grand Waltz Brilliant by Chopin
The Green Alley
Hans in Every Street
Her Highness the Saleswoman
Honolulu Lu
King of Kings
Le Vagabond bien-aimé
Leave It to Blondie
The Left Hand of God
Letter from an Unknown Woman
The Long Wait
Love in Stunt Flying
Masquerade in Vienna
Meet Boston Blackie
The Mountain
No More Love
Not as a Stranger
The Nun's Story
Once More, My Darling
Once Upon a Time
One Touch of Venus
Our Wife
The Pride and the Passion
The Prince of Arcadia
The Rebel Son
The Road to Paradise
Roman Holiday
Sailor's Song
The Scarf
Schatz, mach' Kasse
Secret Command
Sing for Your Supper
Sodom and Gomorrah
Something to Shout About
The Son of the White Mountain
Stage Struck
Strange Affair
Strauss, the Waltz King
Submarine Raider
Sweetheart of the Campus
Take One False Step
Taras Bulba
They Dare Not Love
Three Girls About Town
Three Husbands
The Three from the Filling Station
Time Out for Rhythm
Tonight - Eventually
Turn of the Tide
Unfinished Symphony
The Unforgiven
The Wife Takes a Flyer
Zapfenstreich am Rhein
The child's first right