Double Feature
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Andrea Aureli - Double Feature
Andrea Aureli
Acting (117)
Release Date
Newest First
Oldest First
Adventurer of Tortuga
Amori morbosi di una contessina
Aphrodite, Goddess of Love
The Beast
Bianco, rosso e Verdone
The Biggest Bundle of Them All
The Black Devil
Blood, Sweat and Fear
The Boss
A Bullet for Sandoval
Bullets Don't Argue
The Changing of the Guard
Colorado Charlie
Colossus of the Stone Age
Convoy Busters
Coplan Saves His Skin
Corporal of the day
Count Tacchia
Crazy, Crazy Love
Crime on the Highway
The Devil and Holy Water
The Devil's Cavaliers
Difendimi dalla notte
Dollars for a Fast Gun
Don't Torture a Duckling
Duel of Champions
The Fall of Rome
Figaro, il barbiere di Siviglia
Figaro, il barbiere di Siviglia
For the Love of Poppea
The Gang That Sold America
Goliath at the Conquest of Damascus
A Gun for a Cop
Hercules Against Rome
Hercules and the Pirates
Hero of Babylon
I 4 moschettieri
I due carabinieri
Il caso Moro
The Inn of Maladolescenza
The Iron Captain
Kill Me Gently
L'Uomo Della Guerra Possibile
La colonna infame
Lady Frankenstein
The Last Four Days
The Last of the Vikings
Legions of the Nile
Love and Troubles
The Loves of Hercules
The Loves of Salammbo
Lunatics and Lovers
Maciste, Avenger of the Mayans
Male, Female, Flower, Fruit
A Man on His Knees
Mark Shoots First
Mark Strikes Again
The Medium
The Mighty Crusaders
Mission Phantom
The New Godfathers
Nights of Boccaccio
Non vogliamo morire
Number One
On Asphalt at Full Speed!
On the Day of the Lord
One Hundred Days in Palermo
The Other Hell
The Pirate of the Black Hawk
The Queen of the Pirates
Questo pazzo, pazzo mondo della canzone
The Rebel Gladiators
The Revenge of Ivanhoe
The Revolt of the Barbarians
Ringo and His Golden Pistol
Riuscirà il nostro eroe a ritrovare il più grande diamante del mondo?
Samoa, Queen of the Jungle
Samson and the Slave Queen
The Schoolgirl
The Sensual Man
Serenata a Maria
Singapore, Singapore
A Sold Life
Son of Black Eagle
The Son of the Sheik
Speed Cross
Stunt Squad
Suleiman the Conqueror
SuperSeven Calling Cairo
The Swindle
The Sword and the Cross
That Malicious Age
Theft in the Evening, a Big Coup Hopefully
Three Dollars of Lead
Tiger of the Seven Seas
Tottering in the Dark
The True Story of the Nun of Monza
The True Story of the Nun of Monza
Tua per la vita
Una settimana come un'altra
The Unholy Four
Uno contro l'altro, praticamente amici
Ursus and the Tartar Princess
The Violent Patriot
The Violent Patriot
Wild Team
Young Toscanini