Double Feature
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Julia Kuperberg - Double Feature
Julia Kuperberg
Directing (31)
Writing (15)
Editing (9)
Acting (1)
Release Date
Newest First
Oldest First
Bearing Witness Native American Voices in Hollywood
Billy Wilder: Nobody's Perfect
Dorothy Arzner: Pioneer, Queer, Feminist
From Weepies to Chick Flicks
Gene Tierney: A Forgotten Star
Hannibal Hopkins & Sir Anthony
Hollywood Censored
Hollywood Gossip: les commères d'Hollywood
Hollywood Spies
Hollywood between Paranoia and Sci-Fi: The Power of Myth
Hollywood: No Sex, Please!
I, Douglas Fairbanks
Ida Lupino: Gentlemen & Miss Lupino
Irrésistible Gary Cooper
Jack Lemmon, a true Trouper
John Ford & Monument Valley
Joni Mitchell, Lady Blue
Joni Mitchell, le spleen et la colère
La Censure à Hollywood
La Saga Warner
Los Angeles Film Noir
Mary Pickford a Blessing and a Curse
Milos Forman Taking Off in America
Ronald Reagan, un président sur mesure
The Screwball Comedy - When Hollywood Went Mad
Stanley Donen: You Just Do It
Teen Movies les origines
This Is Orson Welles
The Witch Hunt Is On
The Women Who Run Hollywood
Yellowface: Asian Whitewashing and Racism in Hollywood
Bearing Witness Native American Voices in Hollywood
Billy Wilder: Nobody's Perfect
Dorothy Arzner: Pioneer, Queer, Feminist
From Weepies to Chick Flicks
Hollywood Censored
Hollywood between Paranoia and Sci-Fi: The Power of Myth
Hollywood: No Sex, Please!
Jack Lemmon, a true Trouper
Joni Mitchell, Lady Blue
La Censure à Hollywood
Ronald Reagan, un président sur mesure
Stanley Donen: You Just Do It
This Is Orson Welles
The Witch Hunt Is On
The Women Who Run Hollywood
Billy Wilder: Nobody's Perfect
Dorothy Arzner: Pioneer, Queer, Feminist
Gene Tierney: A Forgotten Star
Hollywood between Paranoia and Sci-Fi: The Power of Myth
Hollywood: No Sex, Please!
Ida Lupino: Gentlemen & Miss Lupino
Joni Mitchell, Lady Blue
Mary Pickford a Blessing and a Curse
The Women Who Run Hollywood
Deauville et le rêve américain