Leung Ting
Leung Ting is a Wing Chun enthusiast who started learning the style at the young age of 13. By the age of 20, he was accepted by Great Grandmaster Yip Man (who was also the teacher of Bruce Lee) and became Yip's "Closed-door Student" (the chosen student after Yip's retirement). Leung Ting devoted his lifetime energy in promoting and teaching Wing Chun. His success in his coaching career as a Wing Chun instructor has earned him unprecedented fame... in the martial arts circles. As early as in the seventies, he was commonly known as the "Kung Fu Instructor of Millions of Students", a title granted to him by the press in Hong Kong for having the largest number of followers. In the West, he was entitled by a number of media as the "Wing Chun King" and "Genghis Khan of the Chinese Martial Arts Community".