Double Feature
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Bernard Gosselin - Double Feature
Bernard Gosselin
Cinematography (29)
Directing (21)
Acting (5)
Editing (5)
Release Date
Release Date
Newest First
Oldest First
The Land without Trees or The Mouchouânipi
People of Abitibi
The Taste for Flour
C'était un Québécois en Bretagne, Madame!
Damase Breton, cordonnier
Back to the Land
Jean Carignan, Fiddler
A Kingdom Awaits You
Tickets s.v.p
Les philharmonistes
Cesar's Bark Canoe
Un pays sans bon sens!
The Panafrican Festival in Algiers
Beluga Days
The River Schooners
Between Sweet and Salt Water
The Times That Are
La visite du Général De Gaulle au Québec
Knowing to Learn
60 Cycles
The Merry World of Leopold Z
La route de l'Ouest
Samuel de Champlain: Québec 1603
Take It All
September Five at Saint-Henri
Visit to a Foreign Country
The Joy of Winter
Golden Gloves
The Glass Ark
The Skiff of Renald and Thomas
Les bottes sauvages
Le discours de l'armoire
Armand Hardy, menuisier-tonnelier
La fonderie artisanale
Les meuniers de Saint-Eustache
Les boeufs de labour
Léo Corriveau, maréchal-ferrant
Le Pain d'Habitant
La veillée des veillées
Jean Carignan, Fiddler
A Kingdom Awaits You
Les raquettes des Atcikameg
The Christmas Martian
Cesar's Bark Canoe
Beluga Days
The Voyageurs
The Joy of Winter
Poverty and Other Delights
Je suis loin de toi mignonne
Le grand sabordage
Réjeanne Padovani
Dirty Money
The Glass Ark
The Skiff of Renald and Thomas
Le discours de l'armoire
La visite du Général De Gaulle au Québec
Alone or with Others