Double Feature
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H.O. Martinek - Double Feature
H.O. Martinek
Directing (17)
Acting (6)
Release Date
Newest First
Oldest First
Don Q - How He Treated the Parole of Gevil Hay
Three-Fingered Kate: Her Second Victim, the Art Dealer
Three-Fingered Kate: The Case of the Chemical Fumes
Three-Fingered Kate: The Pseudo-Quartette
Three-fingered Kate - Her Victim the Banker
Three-Fingered Kate: The Episode of the Sacred Elephants
The Antique Vase
Reub's Little Girl
Glastonbury Past and Present
Black Roderick the Poacher
Don Q and the Artist
Don Q - How He Outwitted Don Luis
Lieutenant Daring, R.N. And the Plans of the Mine Fields
Lily of Letchworth Lock
The Gentleman Ranker
The Battalion Shot
The Baby, the Boy, and the Teddy Bear
Don Q - How He Treated the Parole of Gevil Hay
The Mountaineer's Romance
Lieutenant Daring Quells a Rebellion
Reub's Little Girl
The Antique Vase
From Cowardice to Honour