Double Feature
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Anita Loos - Double Feature
Anita Loos
Anita Loos (April 26, 1888 - August 18, 1981) was an American screenwriter, playwright and author.
Writing (76)
Acting (2)
Release Date
Release Date
Newest First
Oldest First
The Musketeers of Pig Alley
My Baby
The New York Hat
The Telephone Girl and the Lady
The Power of the Camera
Highbrow Love
Pa Says
The Widow's Kids
The Lady in Black
A Cure for Suffragettes
Oh, Sammy!
A Duel for Love
The Gangsters of New York
The Hunchback
For Her Father's Sins
At the Road's End
His Picture in the Papers
A Corner in Cotton
The Mystery of the Leaping Fish
The Half-Breed
Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages
The Social Secretary
American Aristocracy
The Children Pay
The Matrimaniac
The Americano
A Daughter of the Poor
In Again, Out Again
Wild and Woolly
Down to Earth
Reaching for the Moon
Let's Get a Divorce
Hit-the-Trail Holliday
Come on In
Under the Top
Getting Mary Married
A Temperamental Wife
The Isle of Conquest
A Virtuous Vamp
Two Weeks
In Search of a Sinner
The Love Expert
The Perfect Woman
Dangerous Business
Mama's Affair
Woman's Place
Polly of the Follies
Red Hot Romance
Learning to Love
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
The Fall of Eve
Ex-Bad Boy
Red-Headed Woman
Blondie of the Follies
The Barbarian
Midnight Mary
Hold Your Man
Social Register
The Girl from Missouri
Biography of a Bachelor Girl
San Francisco
Mama Steps Out
The Women
Another Thin Man
Susan and God
They Met in Bombay
Blossoms in the Dust
When Ladies Meet
I Married an Angel
D.W. Griffith - Years of Discovery 1909-1913
Camille: The Fate of a Coquette
The Women Who Run Hollywood