Double Feature
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Dave Tendlar - Double Feature
Dave Tendlar
Directing (78)
Writing (1)
Release Date
Newest First
Oldest First
Insect to Injury
Pest Pupil
Shotgun Shambles
The Ski's the Limit
Candy Cabaret
Two-Ton Baby Sitter
Swab the Duck
Sleuth But Sure
Kitty Cornered
Jumping with Toy
Sappy New Year
Mint Men
Meat, Drink, and Be Merry
Outer Space Visitor
One Funny Knight
Sky Scrappers
Pedro and Lorenzo
Hide and Peak
Poop Goes the Weasel
Rabbit Punch
Robin Rodenthood
Git Along Lil' Duckie
Surf and Sound
Drinks on the Mouse
A Self-Made Mongrel
The Invisibeam
Deep Sea Doodle
Grateful Gus
Mousieur Herman
Cat In The Act
Kooky Cucumbers
Foofle's Picnic
The Big Clean-Up
River Boat Mission
A Flight to the Finish
The Rain Drain
Clown Jewels
Camp Clobber
The Famous Ride
The Minute and a ½ Man
Foofle's Train Ride
Expert Explorer
The Sky's The Limit
Molecular Mixup
Gems From Gemini
Friend Fox
Daniel Boone, Jr.
Drum Roll
The First Fast Mail
Klondike Strikes Out
The Red Tractor
Short Term Sheriff
Oil Thru the Day
The Wayward Hat
The Phantom Skyscraper
Gaston's Easel Life
The Tale of a Dog
Tin Pan Alley Cat
The Rock Hound
Watch the Butterfly
Land Grab
Tea Party
Railroaded to Fame
The First Telephone
The Hectormobile
High Flyer
Hold the Fort
Melvin the Magnificent
Mixed Up Matador
Movie Magic
Nobody's Ghoul
Rebel Trouble
Space Cowboy
The Square Planet
Valley Forge Hero
Pop-Pie a la Mode