Double Feature
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Josh Oreck - Double Feature
Josh Oreck
Directing (39)
Crew (1)
Release Date
Release Date
Newest First
Oldest First
One Brick at a Time: Making the LEGO Batman Movie
Wick's Toolbox
As Above, So Below: The Underworld of 'John Wick'
Chamber Check: Evolution of a Fight Scene
Friends, Confidantes: The Keanu/Chad Partnership
Training 'John Wick'
John Wick Chapter 2: Wick-vizzed
Sense8: Creating the World
Jupiter Ascending Genetically Spliced
John Wick: Calling in the Cavalry
Don't F*#% With John Wick
Godzilla: Into the Void - The H.A.L.O Jump
Godzilla: Ancient Enemy - The M.U.T.O.S
Monarch: The M.U.T.O. File
Maximum Impact: The Legacy of 'Lethal Weapon'
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: A Perfect Chemistry
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows: Moriarty's Master Plan Unleashed
Mama's Little Devils: Bad Seeds and Evil Children
Speed Racer: Car Fu
Return to Source: The Philosophy of The Matrix
The Matrix Revolutions Revisited
The Matrix Reloaded Revisited
The Matrix Reloaded: Car Chase
The Hard Problem: The Science Behind the Fiction
The Burly Man Chronicles
The Matrix Recalibrated
The Matrix Revolutions: Super Big Mini Models
Mind Over Matter: The Physicality of the Matrix Future
The Matrix Revolutions: Neo Realism - Evolution of Bullet Time
The Matrix Revolutions: Double Agent Smith
The Matrix Reloaded: Pre-Load
Making 'Enter the Matrix'
Executions: The Making of 'The Animatrix'
Scrolls to Screen: A Brief History of Anime
Spider-Man: The Mythology of the 21st Century
The Making of Exit Wounds
The Matrix Revisited
Making 'The Matrix'
The Matrix: What Is Bullet-Time?
The Matrix Revisited