"#iorestoacasa" is a virtual artefact that visualises data relative to the COVID-19 pandemic in the form of a particle system. The most relevant data about the virus outbreak is mapped to variables that modify the shape and colour of the system. "#iorestoacasa" was conceived and developed during the ‘lockdown’that was introduced in Italy to combat the virus outbreak. At the beginning of hisconfinement, Spagnuolowatched the news to hear updates on the virus situation. However,like many others, hewas soonso overwhelmed by all the numbers, that they stopped making sense. That’s when hehad the idea to take the same data that made himfeel so uneasy and represent it in a more soothing way. The title of this work, which translates to ‘stay home’, is a tribute to the communal effort that permitted a haltto the spread of the virus and relieved pressure on the healthcare system.