This movie was incredibly touching. The story revolves around a young girl "Em" (played by Laura Goodwin). The movie opens with the image of a small, close knit family. Almost at once we are made aware that Emily's father (played by James Fox) is a diplomat whose demanding job barely allows him time to give attention to his wife (played by Twiggy) and of course his daughter Emily. As expected Emily's mother "Fen" soon begins to have an affair and thus begins the child's torment. The movie is poignant in the way it deals with this very real issue. We are given the impression of divorce and the very real adult problems occurring in marriage through the eyes of a young child and the picture painted is not a pretty one. It brings forth awareness, especially to adult viewers, and is a definite must see for all families. I personally found Laura Goodwin's acting to be both intense and innocent, and it was a delight to see such intensity in one so young. A definite thumbs up for this movie!!