Argentina is one of the most outstanding players factory in the world. From the elegant Di Stefano, through the temperamental Maradona, until another genius, small of stature and that seems to have the ball sewn to his feet, Messi, the Argentine players never cease to make a splash in the five continents. In this documentary, the award-winning director Hernán Zin tells how works this hotbed of planetary stars. And it does so through a very particular narrator, Leo Fleet, who leads us to discover the lives of four children who try succeed: Francisco, Pelé, Isaías and Gastón. Their stories of struggle and overcoming waiver, shows us the key to success of Argentine football factory, but also its darker side: the exploitation suffered by some children at the hands of unscrupulous agents and of their own parents; extreme competitiveness that makes children run out, the radical commodification of a sport that promises fame and wealth to all and then delivering just a chosen few.