Daydreams you wish Boatdreams you do!
What are BOATDREAMS? Boatdreams are what happen when Vietnam vet John (JEFF HIXON) meets wacky martial artist Son (TOM MARCOUX) in San Francisco and a zany adventure begins! Son routinely dodges missiles with mid-air somersaults and leeps from racing cars to speeding trucks. His flying kicks send bad guys falling like bowling pins. Son's zest for living rubs off on John, helping him overcome his haunting Vietnam flashbacks of helicopters, guns and death. A renewed John wins the love of a sexy pop singer Anne (ELISABETH CAMARA). Her sensual dance moves take John's breath away, as she purrs the song "Come Get My Love". With Anne's love and Son's friendship, John pulls his life together to create a home for his young half Vietnamese daughter.